John Watson don't be fooled by the cute jumpers

 Happy Birthday, John...

A rare Watson post:) 

During my research for The Responder week I came across an older article from 2022, and it was actually full of praise for Martin Freeman, but there was this little sentence here:

" He is worldwide known as John Watson, the ever straight sidekick of Sherlock".

It was too good to ignore:D

And no, straight wasn't mean sarcastically and in a Johnlock kind of way.

I was a Johnlocker and made no secret out of it, but on this blog you will never read anything Johnlock related, because this is project to honour Martin Freeman and not the world in my mind.

Straight in this context was meant leveled, upright, untwisted and unbent.

All words I would have never used to describe Dr. John Watson.

People seem too often be fooled by the cute jumpers, and sweet smile, but I tell right here Ladies and Gentlemen that Dr. and Captain John H.Watson is a badass.

  He killed another person to protect a man he met...a day before!

That might be honorable and probably unavoidable, but a straight upright citizen might have just informed Lestrade who was right next to him in the flat, before he decided to go alone and search for Sherlock.

He killed with a sense of protection, but lets face it people , he did it with a steady hand and without batting an eyelash.

   Dr. John Watson is a trained trauma surgeon and Captain of the Army.

He is not some damsel in distress who needs constant saving.

He might have needed Sherlock's emotional saving, because he was just an empty and very traumatised shell after he returned from Afghanistan.

But John Watson does not need protection.

On the contrary, he is often the man who protects others, and you know why ?

Because he can!

Sherlock is the genius and that is a fact that doesn't need further explanation, but we really shouldn't forget that John is a studied doctor with knowledge of human nature and with a clever brain on his own.

Over and above we realise very early on, that Dr. John Watson is a very complex character.

Of course , Sherlock is more showy and more drama, and I find that perfect for him.

I love Sherlock! Always have done!

But a traumatised man with a difficult family history,and a slight anger problem, and most definitely a huge longing for excitement and danger is anything but not a straight sidekick.

   John is a very interesting man, he is smart, sexy in his own way and most certainly extremely charming if he wants to be.

He is funny, and loyal to an extend other people cannot even imagine.

John Watson is probably the most loyal friend in the history of friendships.

Yeah, that was most likely a bit pathetic, but he really is a great friend.

Does this free him from flaws and mistakes ?

God no! 

I remember watching The Hounds of Baskerville, seeing Sherlock clearly in the middle of panic attack in the firechat scene, and John ,Doctor and PTSD sufferer does nothing.

That pissed me off, but that was exactly the problem.

John was pissed and rightly so, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't  have supported Sherlock better in this situation.

But that s one of the reasons John Watson is interesting.

He is like Sherlock himself so full of flaws, and human that he makes small and big mistakes like everybody else.

And frankly, after the scene in the laboratory when Sherlock intentionally if I may add,  put a traumatised soldier under such stress I lost absolutely every kind of pity and sympathy for Sherlock, and ignored him for the rest of the episode.

Doing this to people who suffer from anxiety and stress is beyond cruel!

But then again flaws are part of our existence.

Back to John Watson...

There is one thing you should never do.

Do not make John Watson angry, because his anger issues are probably the absolute biggest reason why our favorite blogger is anything but ordinary and a straight sidekick.

You do not want yourself in a position where John's anger is directed at you.

He does not draw a line! 

It doesn't matter if you are his best friend, his wife or a creepy Superintendent who insulted said best friend.

The moment it is too much, John loses his ability to sit down and talk things over.

The moment he goes still and starts smiling at you....go and run for cover!

Source and copyright: notmydate 

All this makes him a dangerous man who is so far away from those boring descriptions he sometimes has to endure, or his fans.

John is very attractive in his own rights.

He is not so whirlwind sexy as Sherlock , and I always took great pride in the fact, that I can be extremely objective.

It doesn't matter if I am a Freeman fan, and of course I find Mr. Freeman very handsome, but I was never blinded by my interests.

It is obvious that Sherlock Holmes is a unique beauty, and definitely deserves the attention.

Nevertheless it is undisputed that Dr, Watson is a very good looking man, with a special charm of his own.

He is a Ladies man, and if we would interpret some situations with Holmes and Sholto a certain way, then he might be a Gentlemen's too.

His style is not overly exciting yet nice and attractive.

He is that kind of guy you would sit down with for a beer, going on date, laughing at silly chats while you walk through Regents Park, and have serious discussions over dinner, only to know he will bring you home, taking you to bed, and he will make sure you have a good time.

And if there would be any danger the morning after, he would gladly stay to protect you from it.

Does all this really sound like a boring straight guy in a cute jumper ?

I really don't think so.

Because all this, and so much more is Dr. John Watson, Captain in the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers, Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, blogger, friend and a great guy!


If you have questions or suggestions or you want to chat please contact me : 


  1. This is wonderful! You perfectly pointed out Johns character - and made me fall in love with him again.

    1. Awww that is such a wonderful comment!
      Thank you so much for reading and saying such lovely things.
      Cheers to you and John:)


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