Readers request blog The " controversy "

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I need to give my view on something, as a result of questions that reached me on Twitter X, and I still think that this blog should focus on work, talent and inspiration, but I also think when you are fan of someone, you have an opinion on this person and his or her views, and therefore I will take the stand:)

But I will do this only this once!

And even if I believe that Wikipedia is not really a media bible, but still a very informative source and therefore please let me point out before I start that there is absolutely no critical or controversial chapters to find on Mr. Freeman's Wikipedia page.

You can only find those out of context sentences on social media or/ and some "reliable " gossip sites.

This is not an excuse for anything you will read coming from me, but I want to state facts! 

I love Martin Freeman for his talent. style and inspirational public life ( hence the blog title)

Do I sometime disagree with him ?

Yes of course, anything else would be insane!

I am my own person with own opinions and different life experiences.

Did I like the elf rape joke ? Did I like the Lucy Lu joke ? 

Hell no! 

Did I ever tell a bad rape joke in private ? Yes!

Was that a good thing to do ? Definitely not! 

Like many of us, ( men and women ) I'm no stranger to sexual abuse so its a sensitive topic, and I shouldn't have done that.

And yes, I dropped more than one brick in my life, believe me!

I told jokes that could be seen as homophobic or discriminating, but guess what I heard the best gay jokes from gays and I am a bisexual, disabled woman so maybe not so tragic after all.

 I will not repeat those jokes neither mine nor his, because I don't think its a nice thing to spread around, but you can still find the Lucy video on Youtube, and you can clearly see he is joking ( hence the smiling).


Mr.Freeman is a racist....

A man who was together with Andy Serkis one of the two white people only in both Black Panther movies..

 A man who released together with Mr. Eddy Piller three highly successful record collections on soul and jazz and is fan of reggae,did a motown documentary, and enjoyed the early days of hip hop...ah what the hell..its hopeless...  

I'll try it anyway.

Besides the fact that he is a supporter of the Labour Party, and has spoken up against Brexit, lets re-visit the " horrible " comments, shall we...?!

When I moved up here this woman I know said, 'Ooh! There are a lot of whiteys up there,' and I said, 'I love white people; I've no problem with them at all.’”

Let me tell you one thing about this:

if you really DO NOT get that this is a joke, then you are indeed not into Martin Freeman because, you are too stupid to understand his work.

Sorry to be rude, but I really cannot explain this any other way.

Less funny is this:

In 2008 he used the n...word to explain that people in his generation had a higher morally and socially conscious hip hop sensibility.

So he used to word to explain, that he does not like it when used.

How on earth is that racism ?

but let move forward...

Racism is one thing — and I don't agree with that in any form — but noticing that there are differences is normal and fine and to be encouraged

Do I agree with this ? Yes I do.

And here is why, because in this blog post I answer the request to make a statement on those

 " controversial comments ".

I agree with this, because of my own experiences living in different cities in different countries.

And of course I have noticed and lived through differences, issues and equally happy moments.  

The world is changing and not always and everywhere necessarily to the better.

If you acknowledge this, and point out, that different cultures and religions not always living a very happy and peaceful life next to each other, then you are a racist.

I am a natural born racist, because I'm German.

We all are....

Whenever a German acknowledges an issue with another person, and said person has a different race or religion, and it doesn't even matter if that's part of the problem, we are racists because we are from Germany , and all Germans are....Nazis... ( do I need to say that's sarcasm?)  

Here in Cologne we have an enormous problem, with thousands of men coming from different countries who think sexual harassment is ok because " they are just women".

Which means all those people who call me a racist, for saying that I am scared at night walking through my city and even an old hen like me, is in danger when meeting a certain group of men, take literally the right away from me to express my feelings as a woman!

Why do I need to be afraid to say such things out loud, when there is real danger ?

Is that a good thing ? I really do not think so.

Why do we have to ignore issues ? Why is Mr. Freeman not allowed to express a thought , even if we have a different opinion based on different experiences?  

Neither him nor me did apply this to everyone, we didn't lump everyone together. 


Martin Freeman smacked his kids!

An out of context sentence from a three pages interview.

Well done social media!

But Internet trolls are not interested in collection facts, they want attention, cancelling and gathering people who agree with them.

Mr. Freeman has indeed said that, but he also said that it only happens once, in the same interview he said that his children are the best thing that ever happened to him.

And yes he called them little fuckers.

Not a very sweet nickname,although less shocking when you know that the  F word and all its colourful synonyms are part of Mr. Freeman's vocabulary, but he openly admitted that he had a temper, and when he realised he was yelling too much he seeked help in therapy, and till today is able to say sorry to his children.

I can respect that! I do respect honest people who tell the truth and work on themselves to get better! 

Real life and parenting is not an Instagram story.

Parents who tell you they are calm in every situation, have everything under control , and never raise their voices are superheroes or liars.

This is not how the world of parenthood works, children need an emotional surface of friction to grow and develop, and parents need to accept and learn that children are fully established human beings with own ideas and dreams, but that almost never goes smoothly and without conflict.

Which  brings me to my last point, before I show you visual prove that Mr. Freeman is none of those things he had been accused of on social media. ( where else..)

Martin Freeman is a homophobe, who hates his fans.

Martin Freeman, who really never,  not once had any objection or a negative comment on the most explicit johnlock fanart.

He admitted for everyone to see, that he knew about that kind of art, even before Sir Ian McKellen showed it to him in New Zealand.

When asked after sexual preferences he once said that most people are probably bisexual and he doesn't want to be labelled.

The thing that made him a homophobe, and obviously a hater of his own fans was the following sentence:

" It's ok when they think Sherlock an John are in love, but that is the world in their heads.

"In the show they are not actually fucking.

 I believe you can love a person of the same sex without fucking them"

This will be my last statement, and even I am not asking for forgiveness, but I might going to sound a bit harsh because I'm of another generation, and some superficialities hit a nerve.

  But first let me assure, that I had amazing times in the Sherlock fandom!

The community is filled with wit and intelligence, and an enormous kindness.

I was also Johnlocker, and even if I cannot deny and would never do , that there are certain hints of love between Sherlock and John, but the same goes for Molly and Sherlock and Irene and Sherlock.

Nevertheless I always slept quite well at night knowing that there is a good show, with great actors and loads of fanfiction.

I understand disappointment! I even accept anger to a certain degree!

 What I do not understand, and believe me I need all my self control not to use the word fuck in a row, but what I absolutely do not understand is when Sherlock fans use the word

 " traumatised " when they talking about the fact that john Watson is not actually fucking Sherlock Holmes.

I understand things like queerbaiting, and we could discuss those things, but if you think that a fucking tv show is enough to traumatise you, then you are a very lucky person.

I lived through the AIDS crisis, I have sat opposite people who cried in front of me, telling me that they have been on more funerals than weddings!

This is traumatising. When you see young people dying all over the world, when parents deny contact to their sick sons and daughters, because they are ashamed of them, that is traumatising.

We lost so many wonderful souls of all kinds, we lost half of our culture because of the deaths of so many artists. This was traumatising.

But a tv show with a detective and his blogger friend is not traumatising, Ladies and Gentlemen.

My generation, Martin's generation, and generations before us, fought so incredibly hard to get rights and acceptance.

And they did it with so much passion and love that it will be forever an inspiration!

Queerbaiting is crap, but if it matters so much go on the streets, form a demonstration, write letters, speak up, form a group and try to get in touch with people who can actually help you.

Try to make it better, but don't rant on Twitter or Tumbler about it, where you get five minutes attention, and a bit of encouragement, only to post another Sherlock picture with five hearts a minute later.    

And stop accusing people of being homophobic.

 Do you even realise what it means to accuse another person of such a thing ?

Mr. Freeman who is almost cuddly with other men sometimes , who let Sir Ian McKellen babysit his little children because he trust him so much.

Badmouthing other people on social media without proper research is a shitty hobby.

And now I am going to show you, how homophobe, how racist and hateful Mr. Freeman really is!

PLEASE hear me out first for another moment.

AS you know I am normally not using other peoples pics and clips without permission.

Some of the stuff you will see now, had been in my archive for years without knowing that I would ever need them for a blog post to prove the reality of situations.

I apologise in advance if I used something you do not want to see here.

My contact details are on every blog post and I will post them below too.

Please contact me if you want to be credited or want something to be removed.

I guarantee you that I will do it immediately then.

I am extremely grateful for so much wonderful material, and that is really just a small selection of encounters and moments that happen in a life of an actor.

Thank you so very much!

 Martin Freeman is ( not) a racist.


Martin Freeman is ( not) ahomophobe.

Martin Freeman is ( not) an arrogant sod.


Martin Freeman is ( not) grumpy and does 

( not)  hate his fans.

I hope that clarified the issues a bit, and for all Internet trolls let me end this post with a

Free-Style 😉

For questions and suggestions or to chat please contact 


  1. Oh my gosh, he's a regular person who isn't 100% perfect all the time 🙄 😂 just like the rest of us. I think he's awesome because he's honest about who he is, unlike a lot of celebrities who "spin" things all the time to make it seem like they are perfect. And if people can't see that a lot of his comments are said in a joking/dry/sarcastic manner, then I hate to think what their lives must be like, taking every single thing so serious all the time.

    1. The world and audiences became more difficult and intolerant because of social media.
      Everyone can spread stupidity and false or badly researched information around.
      He is a normal human being with skills and flaws and a honesty I appreciate.
      It us indeed not common among " celebrities " so I think his honesty and humour are refreshing in a world of fake smiles and information.

  2. I appreciated reading your position. Loving Martin Freeman, or any other human being, doesn't mean approving and agreeing with everything that person does. And when we talk about celebrities, I can safely say that we don't know even 10 per cent of what they really are, just fragments that may or may not be edited to get clicks.

    And yes, it's getting harder and harder to find people who understand sarcasm. It's exhausting having to explain everything all the time.

    Helaina (Writer || Blogger) (Books, films and series) (Short stories, chronicles and more)

    1. Thank you!
      Yes these days some people are all about cancelling and hating only because someone has a different opinion or uses sarcasm they might not understand.
      It's a bit scary.

  3. Hi. This is Fedelynn/StilletoChat... I agree with what you've written.... The elf joke, that was rather cringe, but Martin did apologize to the interviewer when he saw her shocked reaction. His joke comment was typical, though, of many men and women I have observed. It was somethin cultural which we get through osmosis. As far as I know, MF did not repeat the mistake again... As for the Lucy Liu joke, that was British sarcasm. I did wonder why some people didnt get that.... He isnt a racist, as shown by your pictures. If he were, he wouldnt have dated Jeanne, an Amerasian, for two years. Martin is with Rachel noe. Surely people have noticed that she is not a white French-Briton? Martin is one of the nicest humanly human I have observed. Thank you

    1. Hi my dear.
      I normally absolutely do not comment on Mr. Freeman's private life, that's why I did not mention his partners but of course it is a correct observation on your part.
      Yes dry humour and making mistakes now and then is something you could say about me as well, and lots of people.
      It's a shame that nowadays people only judge but don't think.
      Well, some of them:)
      Thank you so much for reading the blog!

  4. Very nicely done. I am so tired of the "controversy" popping up all the time. It's his dry humor and most of it is out of context to begin with, it's so old and ridiculous. I like how you have explained it. Very true. People just don't seem to get sarcasm these days and want to make a name for themselves by being irate over silly things. It is a bit scary and ridiculous that you can't say anything any longer without someone taking offense to it. Good post.

    1. I couldn't agree more!
      These days people judge, cancel and try to badmouth others for getting a little bit of attention on social media.
      It's scary indeed.


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