
Showing posts from May, 2024

Picture time on the blog!

 We will share some of our material from a possibly way too extended picture archive. So from time to time, there will be a post like this where pictures speak for themselves.

How Lester gave us Chris

  I remember watching that with my wife and thinking, oh my God, I’d love to write something for that guy.”   This sentence came from no other then Mr. Tony Schumacher, which means in the end Lester Nygaard brought us Chris Carson. It is fascinating how writers, producers, and creators of shows and movies get their inspiration from something they have seen by chance or find something so inspiring to want to cast the actor, or lucky for us, writing a whole series for him. Fargo is the one thing that almost always comes up , when people talk to me about Martin Freeman, and I love it! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Sherlock and the Hobbit, and I can laugh about Hardware but Fargo is as so many other projects of Mr. Freeman I admire, a class of its own. Lester Nygaard is the character I am most conflicted with, because I should not like him. Maybe we can agree that he is a poor soul at the beginning,  I hate bullies, and I'm not using this word lightly but I truly do. I hat

A chip in the sugar or the day Martin Freeman gave a masterclass in acting

 As usual please be aware of spoilers! Doing Alan’s monologue was a little intimidating, and also a huge honour that I was being trusted with it. "To be approved of by Alan, who I don’t know, is something I wish I could have told my mum." I start today's praise because I can't say it any other way with this very touching quote by Mr. Freeman himself.  Alan Bennett's talking heads is a masterpiece. Every single episode is wonderful , and a chip in the sugar is nothing less than a masterclass in acting giving by an actor some people call a national treasure. If you see this episode, you will know why. You know I hardly advise you to buy anything, but please try and watch it if you haven't already. Graham Whittaker, a middle aged man, probably closeted, lives with his Mum in his parental home. He suffers from a mental health disorder and is on medication. Life is not good but doable, because Graham takes care of his mother, and keeps the rest of his life a "

A Man of Rhythm and Style

This will be just a first take on clothes and music. Consider it an overview with more detailed stories to come. Like in real life : the best is yet to come!  When you follow an artist not matter what kind of art, its most likely that you concentrate completely on his or her art. Which is fantastic because there is always something to enjoy, or to re-visit, and we probably all enjoy a red carpet appearance now and then. And then there is me, and most likely lots of other Martin Freeman fans who got a huge bonus! When you follow Martin Freeman you get a man of culture, and believe it or not, but this part of his public personality, and what he kindly showed us of his personal likings is as much as important to my fan life than the acting itself. Its a rare gift, that you get so much culture and style on top.  And lets face it, even in cool ( do people still say cool?) and stylish London you will not meet people like him easily. A man who doesn't dress like others, who doesn't li

To sleep...perchance to dream...thoughts on S2Ep4 Spoiler!

 Yes to quote Hamlet is a bit over the top, I am aware, but I couldn't resist, because a man in the need of sleep...and even to dream a little is the overall tone of Chris Carson in episode four. I also apologise for putting way too many pictures in the post, but I really need to show you what I mean, when I tell you that I have never seen a man so exhausted. And that's why I might understand some of his moves... I stated this in almost every Responder post, so this one will be no exception. I adore the cast! Especially in this season Adelayo Adedayo aka Rachel Hargreaves steals the show from all other female players, in my humble opinion. There are always one or two people in a cast full of greats, you adore more than others. That's not because of preferences, but for character reasons. There is one character that never reached my soul, and therefore her or his ( not telling you) plot line is not so gripping for me , while Rachel for example is close to my heart as a chara