
Showing posts from August, 2024

Hidden feelings for everyone to see

 This is probably the craziest attempt to write a blog post, because I dreamed this topic. Instead of peaceful happy dreams, I dream of article themes, which can only mean I am dedicated or ready for an island. But until I find out, I am going to put my dream to words:) I will take as example: Chris Carson. John Watson. Phil Rask. I know I could use many more, but I decided to explain my thoughts on these three men. Hidden feelings are the speciality of these men, talking about feelings is almost a curse, and showing them seems to be an impossible task. But that doesn't mean we are not able to see them. All three men, let us know exactly what the problem is, and what they feel, and that is because the actor who gives them a face is a master of underlying emotions, without using much expressions or a voice. And yet, you can see agony, desperation, and sometimes even well hidden emotions like joy and love. Our beloved broken police officer Chris Carson admitted very early on, how dif

Breeders a family matter

 Family.. A little bit crazy. A little bit loud. And a whole lot of love. Welcome to the Worsley clan. Please enjoy your summer, be safe and happy, and have fun with our favourite London family and lots of other projects of Mr. Freeman to discuss here on the Freemaniac blog. Breeders is my comfort show, that has several reasons, and one of them is that I had been once again in a health crisis when the show was on, and it was literally like a warm cosy blanket. Set in London which is always more than a bonus, because London is and always will be my home by heart. And like most projects of Mr. Freeman, Breeders is refreshingly honest in script and performance. I'm not sure, if I would label the show being a comedy or a sitcom. For me it was always a show, without a characterisation or a stamp attached. Breeders is fun, honest, heartwarming and lovingly , and sometimes an episode definitely needs discussion, but like I said with Miller's Girl art is there to provoke and make us th