Hidden feelings for everyone to see

 This is probably the craziest attempt to write a blog post, because I dreamed this topic.

Instead of peaceful happy dreams, I dream of article themes, which can only mean I am dedicated or ready for an island.

But until I find out, I am going to put my dream to words:)

I will take as example:

Chris Carson.

John Watson.

Phil Rask.

I know I could use many more, but I decided to explain my thoughts on these three men.

Hidden feelings are the speciality of these men, talking about feelings is almost a curse, and showing them seems to be an impossible task.

But that doesn't mean we are not able to see them.

All three men, let us know exactly what the problem is, and what they feel, and that is because the actor who gives them a face is a master of underlying emotions, without using much expressions or a voice.

And yet, you can see agony, desperation, and sometimes even well hidden emotions like joy and love.

Our beloved broken police officer Chris Carson admitted very early on, how difficult it is for him, to open up, and we see him trying so hard to get better, but every therapy session is more like an hour of torture , and we can see all this not because he says so, but his face is a reflection of every single thought, and it is heartbreaking to see.

You can also see, how much he still wants his marriage to work not only for Tilly, but for the marriage itself.

When it is an unspoken truth, that Kate has indeed slept with Mullen a second time, we feel with him, not because he screams or cries,but tries so very hard to keep calm, and the emotional pain is clearly visible.

It was much more hurtful to watch, than a complete breakdown, and you tend to take his side rather quickly.

Do not misunderstand me here, please, I understand Kate, and her longing for normality, for love and tenderness, for a man who has time for her, and actually talks to her more than two sentences per day.

But it is her choice I have a problem with, of course we could say: " love is an unpredictable thing " but I cannot forget, that she went to bed with the man who brought her husband down, who helped to ruin his reputation, and is responsible for Chris new job, a job Kate detests, and want nothing more than for Chris to spend more time at home.

Letting herself touched by such a man, is something I am simply not willing to accept that easy.

The list of struggles, emotions and feelings is endless, when it comes to Chris Carson, a thing I have blogged about a lot and will probably do more..no for sure!

Every thought, every idea,and most of all every single emotion is painfully visible on Cason's face.

Which is fantastic, because you actually get two performances to see, all the things that goes on beyond the surface is there for you to see, and to think about.

I believe this is the main reason why we love Chris Carson so much, and did so right from the start.

He hides a lot from the world, but nothing from us,and that includes an exhaustion in season two, that is almost so intense, that we fear he will collapse any minute,and it is played out so exceptionally real , that sometimes even I felt this horrible fatigue.

Chris Carson, a man with a big heart, an unlucky path, and more problems he is care to count.

And we saw it all written all over his face, with every glimpse, ever nuance, and every raised eyebrow.

Thanks to the man, who brought him to live!

John Watson.

The poster boy for hidden feelings!

This lovely man could be a whole lot better, if he was able to express feelings and emotions openly.

How many times I have watched this man, and wanted to scream at him, only because I wanted him to say something, and that was only possible because I have seen all his internal fights in his eyes and silent screams.

John is right from the beginning not able to express his feelings, needs or anger.

Anger is an issue, but every time he finds himself admitting it, he is never able to express it verbally,whenever Doctor Watson is expressing feelings, he used his fists instead of words.

When in an argument with his wife, we see him trying hard to keep calm, and when it is too hard, he retreats in himself, without really take a stand for himself, his friend or even his marriage.

That makes him an easy target for Mary and her well placed cynicism, and for Sherlock to treat him like furniture now and then.

Once again, this is always painful to watch, because we see John's struggle, his inability to clearly communicate that he is pissed or hurt, or what it mean to him seeing Sherlock jump.

A lot of their conflicts could have gone better, if John Watson would have been able to say what he wants and means.

He is not even able to talk to Ella, a therapist who is opposite to Chris Carson's shitty therapist, really good, and very encouraging, but the soldier is not really ready to talk, simply because he can't, which is actually a real tragedy, because especially with PTSD, regular sessions could be very helpful, but it is so hard to acknowledge the inner struggles, when they hit you so hard like they did with John Watson.

And everything is so plain visible that, all you want to do is shaking him, and telling to finally say what he needs to say.

Phil Rask.

In contrast to Chris Carson and John Watson, Phil is very communicative, but unfortunately he is not always saying much with all his words, he has the charming ability to talk around the bush.

Opposite to Carson and Watson, Phil Rask communicates clearly and openly, but what he says and what his facial expressions say are often two very different stories.

It's easy to get caught in the Rask web, but while I would trust Chris and John with my life, I would be very careful with Phil.

He is hot stuff, dangerously hot, with all his secrets and lies, but with all the trouble and all the groundbreaking decisions he makes, his face is probably the mostly honest part of his being.

There are situations when Phil is not " acting" when he is not pretending, and there are the moments we want to trust him, and we want to understand him, even it is incredibly difficult.

Lucky for us StartUp gives us a lot of close ups, which means we see an incredible amount of reality in Phil Rask.

And this is exactly what makes it so tough to hate him, to judge him, even when he needed to be judged.

Chris Carson.

John Watson.

Phil Rask.

Three very different men, with one big thing in common:

The actor who bonds with the audience by giving them the truth of expressions.



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