The Why and the How....about me and this blog

 Since this blog is about Martin Freeman, and not about the person writing it I thought it is not important to tell you my bio and I won't :D but I got such lovely questions regarding my fan life and this blog I decided to tell you a bit about it.

I am indeed a real person. Surprise!

I am Sabrina, 44 years old. born and raised in Germany, I love dogs, good food, books and music and the work of Mr. Freeman.

I have worked in several different cities including Vienna and London, and since my very first trip to London more than twenty years ago ( where I accidently saw Mr. Freeman's work  for the first time) I'm in love with the city.

I was an employee as well as a freelancer, and worked as a waitress, tour assistant for a band, librarian and archivist, and as a blogger.

And here I am doing it again.

  I'm a Martin Freeman for twenty-one years now, which is almost half my life.

There is only one thing in my life that lasted this long, and this is my love for London.

 I can be so lucky these two match so perfectly.

Following a career that long, means you see, read and listen to an awful lot of things coming from Mr. Freeman, and let me tell every single thing had been a pleasure.

When I decided to finally find my way back to blogging I thought a lot about the subjects I wanted to write about, and I realised weeks before the start, that I cannot write chronological essays.

I was not interested to scribble down yet another article on Tim from the Office, or tell you how wonderful Bilbo Baggins is.

We know that already and rightly so.

But to be perfectly honest with you neither Tim or Bilbo would be in my all time favorite list.

Don't get me wrong, both the series and the trilogy are amazing and I enjoyed it tremendously, same goes for Sherlock and all his big hits.

But besides the fact, that I will publish a few John Watson articles, because I'm sentimental and had a wonderful time in the Sherlock fandom there will not be too much mainstream seen here.

Martin Freeman has done excellent work like his current project The Responder.

Theatre, independent films and series work, that shows his variety and I love talking about it.

But I am not going to lie to you, and therefore I will happily confess that I get bored easily, and the fact that I was never bored with the artistic and public life of Martin Freeman is down to the fact, that he is an intelligent, talented and luckily totally non Hollywood actor who is still located in London, is still his own man, and is able to express opinions without being in constant fear of a shitstorm.

Over the years I have learned so much from him, including a lot about style and music,and that was one of the reasons to open the blog.

I want to talk about his amazing sense to dress, his enthusiastic and well informed approach to music,and the projects I love the most.

Characters that stayed with me for different reasons, films or scenes that touched or provoked me, and styles and records that worked as an inspiration like the man himself.

Following someone over two decades means you also see them aging, and I mean this as a huge compliment, since Mr. Freeman show us how attractive it can be to feel good in your own skin, and I can assure you that youth is no guarantee for beauty, and even risking to sound very trivial but he ages like fine wine and that is a joy to see!  

I am a bit too old for teenage screaming, but not too old to feel enthusiastic and happy, and enjoy all things related ( except private stuff) to Mr. Freeman, and that includes his Beatles Podcast, and the amazing world of Mark Powell and his tailoring and so much more.

This is what you will see here within the next months.

You will also read very extensively about the second season of the Responder, because Chris Carson and the whole series including the brilliant cast and writing are already so deeply connected to my soul that I cannot wait to see more!

To make a long story short, this is my way to thank Mr.Freeman for an incredible time and twenty years of variety and backbone.

And I'm thrilled beyond words that you accompany me on the journey.


With very best wishes 


A Freemaniac 

Whenever you feel like chatting or want to discuss an idea please never hesitate to get in touch. 


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