Throwback: When there was a "silver" fox

 " Live and learn that life is not unkind.

Understand the demons that you fight" 

And with this welcome to our Throwback with Mr. Freeman featured in the Paul Weller music video

 " Bowie "

I started this post with my two favorite lines from the song, because they speak to me the most, although there are days when I had probably chosen a different line.

The song is incredible and so is the video.

Most of Mr. Weller's songs and clips are, and if you want to take a look at his new song and the official video that features Joe Freeman , you can do it here:

Rise up Singing

Listen to it on Spotify   Here 

And watch the video Here 

But for now back to Bowie and the man who is one of the stars in the video from 2018.

The other one is this little fella..

I love listening to Paul Weller because like Mr. Freeman's work, there is always something new to explore.

Although I never listen to it while walking.

Is it just me or do you have music for walks, exercise or cleaning 

( unavoidable) and writing.

There is music for every kind of mood, moment and activity.

I prefer Mr. Weller's music for moments of calmness and thinking or not thinking at all, but most of the time it's important to me that I'm able to listen to him.

His lyrics are so good, and especially this one.

Have a look:

Do you know there's no journey?We're arriving and departing all the time
You were just mortal like meGod is only just a melodyMake the best of every momentWe are not evolvingOr going anywhereAnd it's fine
How can the world lose his name?Everyone is bawling againBurn the cross or leave itLook above, you'll see meWe miss you everywhere
Awaken all the ghosts in your mindSpeak of all the good that you findLive and learn that life is not unkindUnderstand the demons that you fight
I know it just seems cold to leave seeWe all have to goBelieve meBut letting goIs thanking you

Isn't it beautiful ?!  And so full of meaning in so many ways.
It's not even necessary to be a David Bowie fan, although I am sure most of us liked, loved and admired him , and therefore the tragedy is yours if you lose such an artist.
Whenever we adore and love an actor, singer, artist we make them part of our lives.
Their art is with us in moments of happiness and sorrow, and sometimes they accompany us longer than some family members and friends.

For everyone who loves art is this song a hymn and for Bowie fans a consolation.

You can listen to the song alone here, although I would advice you not to miss out the excellent video.

The song on Spotify  Here

Mr. Freeman and Mr. Weller are connected through a long friendship, as you can see here in a small selection of pics.

And of course we shouldn't forget to mention Mr. Weller's cameo appearance in Sherlock.

A hilarious appearance if I may add.

Unforgettable right?

But equally unforgettable is Martin Freeman's appearance in Paul Weller's music video.
His second appearance but my favourite.

Have a look before we talk :)

See the the original clip on Youtube:

And a little extract..

This music video is not only beautifully shot, but like the song, you can read and see it almost every way you want.

Could the fox be seen as Bowie's ghost?
Is the trying to find his place in the world?
Is the man trying the same?
Is the fox and the man in front of him both lonely and in the need for a companion?
Are both alone in some ways?
Is there for everyone a time when we know we going to be alone?
Are the man and the fox aware of their appearance?
The awareness to be alone in the middle of an ever circling world?
Both are drawn to each other, but there is no way they can trust each other..

Or do we need to try harder to trust each other to become friends?
Can we be friends?
The man and the fox are enjoying a truthful moment?
Are they anxious?
Are they happy?
Is there anything better than a day of carefree joy? 
Like all those moments when we were engaged in music, acting and art.
The small and big moments of happiness that brings us together.

And if one of them isn't there anymore, would we miss them?
Yes we would!

And maybe there really is no journey, not for them, not for us, and not for Bowie, because we constantly move forward and backwards.
In different directions....
Near but apart.
And most of all:
We have to live! That's the real task.
The moment we turn existing into living.
And that only works, if we are well aware of the demons we have to fight.

All this and your very own interpretation can be found in the song, and the video.

Nothing I just wrote might be true, but this is what happens when you see and hear art.
I think every person who is fond of an artist can relate to the lyrics, and furthermore it matches the journey of so many people.

And on top you get artistic beauty.

Martin Freeman is an absolute beauty in this.
And I don't mean the
 "screaming gorgeous " kind of way.
Of course I can see that!
He is a very attractive man, but like I said yesterday I'm not a teenager anymore, and this is a reminder why I should be grateful for it.

I'm not drooling over him.
But I am able to admire his artistic beauty, and this video shows it at it's best!

He is dressed in two different outfits, both perfectly matching the scenery.
Blue and pastel, together with his silver hair and beard gives you the feeling of a calm, yet soft coloured atmosphere and mood coming from this man.
He looks and acts peacefully, yet interested, especially when interacting with the fox, and the children.
There are also questions in his expression, an awareness of his own existence as well as others, and the awakening of calm enjoyment.

The way he brings himself closer to the little fella, without scaring him, showing him that he's welcome in a very natural way.
He is the centre of attention without seeking it.
Like some artists do, remember the lyrics.

Mr. Freeman's whole posture is relaxed and natural, and without saying a single word he masters to hold your attention, while you never stop listening to Paul Weller's song.
Everything compliments each other.

This is beauty!
Wonderful heart and soul feeling beauty.


  1. NO WAY!! I'm such a bad fan, I had no idea that Paul Weller was "The Viking" in "The Final Problem", god knows I love him. The more you know 😁 I think I'll watch this episode differently now. Thank you so much for this post and for your whole blog, it was such an interesting read ^^

  2. I missed it too at first 🤣
    It was more of a flashback realisation! Thank you so much for your kind words, your support and praise. You know how much I appreciate you and your art and this really means a lot!


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