A Man of Rhythm and Style

This will be just a first take on clothes and music.

Consider it an overview with more detailed stories to come.

Like in real life : the best is yet to come!

 When you follow an artist not matter what kind of art, its most likely that you concentrate completely on his or her art.

Which is fantastic because there is always something to enjoy, or to re-visit, and we probably all enjoy a red carpet appearance now and then.

And then there is me, and most likely lots of other Martin Freeman fans who got a huge bonus!

When you follow Martin Freeman you get a man of culture, and believe it or not, but this part of his public personality, and what he kindly showed us of his personal likings is as much as important to my fan life than the acting itself.

Its a rare gift, that you get so much culture and style on top.

 And lets face it, even in cool ( do people still say cool?) and stylish London you will not meet people like him easily.

A man who doesn't dress like others, who doesn't listen to music dictated by the top ten charts, but by his own love for records and for clothes.

Mr.Freeman really loves clothes:

He is really into clothes, and he knows about the importance of being dressed the way it represents your personality, and show exactly the rhythm you walk through life on.

Never underestimate the importance of clothes, and I am not talking about high fashion here, but finding your way to feel good and special.

Of course, there are more important things in this world, and Mr.Freeman does know that all too well.

 The actor; admits clothes are his vice. “And accoutrements generally. I was always into it and, as I’ve got older, it’s got worse. I know there are more important things in the world. Outside my normal life, aside from music, it’s where most of my energy goes. I’m not very proud of that.

 When we have a passion for clothes, music or in my case a certain British actor for two decades, you hear a lot of disparaging comments about it.

It not important, not significant or has not enough meaning.

But how about this:

Why not seeing it as self-care and seeking a little bit of happiness ?

Of course there are more important things, but clothes are a mirror of how we feel, and how we want to be seen.

Clothes are a huge part of Mr. Freeman's personality, and therefore I find it immensely interesting.

I find it generally very exciting to see and explore other peoples tastes in clothes and shoes, because if they wearing nice clothes , they have a story to tell, and I love a good story.

 Mr. Freeman's had a lot to tell over the years, since clothes became his interest when he was quite young and there is a quote I find hugely inspirational:

“You don’t choose your race, you don’t choose your sex, you don’t choose your height, but you choose your armour, what you present to the world,”

Wise words, Mr. Freeman.

We indeed do not choose race, sex, and height.

But most of us know the feeling of being dressed the way we love, and how it can change our mood and posture, and sometimes we get way more recognition , and feel a lot more confident.

 Clothes separate us from the world, and include us in one.

The one we first and foremost create in our head first.

We see an inspiration coming from people like Mr. Freeman or others, and we start thinking about it.

It doesn't matter if we just admire others, or try to use it to complete our own styling ideas.

Clothes can be a personal fairytale, and as an observer of Mr. Freeman's style for over twenty years,it is like one big, colourful and elegant fairytale.

Copyright Ian West/ Getty

The next thing you get as a bonus, is the fact that Mr. Freeman is a huge music expert and loves music with heart and soul.

And come on, people who doesn't love music are kind of dangerous, aren't they?

No just joking of course, but I can't imagine not listening to music, it is part of my daily life.

Martin Freeman probably owns one of the most exciting record collections ever seen.

That fact alone is reason enough to feel excited, but for me it always brings a heartwarming thought along.

My Dad had a huge record collection himself, and he was so excited about it.

I grew up with songs from the 50s to the 70s and till today I really don't know much about typical chart hits or the current top 10.

My Dad and I had a sweet ritual to meet in the living room where the collection was located, and whenever my Mum was working ( she worked in bank and my Dad was a teacher so he had more free time in the afternoons) we would sit on floor surrounded by records and we would either sing out loud , or my Dad would eagerly explain the artist to me, or telling me little stories about them.

 It was our special time together!

I lost my Dad very early on, and these memories are a treasure.

So I totally love the enormous excitement Mr. Freeman has when it comes to music.

He is a fanboy himself and loves it.

He occasionally appears as a DJ and has an incredible knowledge of music, artists and the history of rhythm.

I love learning more about things, and so I learned an awful lot from Mr. Freeman about Jazz, Soul and music in general.

Music starts in our heads, and moves along from there.

With Mr. Freeman you get talent, style and music and I equally enjoy all three.

Source: Mr. Mark Powell
Copyright: Mr. Freeman 

You will see more about those bonus points here on the blog.

Enjoy the journey of a man who offers his fans talent, enthusiasm and lots of Free-Style.

If you have questions or suggestions or you want to chat please contact me: sabsigb7@yahoo.com 


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