Meeting the King Mr. Freeman at Buckingham Palace

 A folllow up post I really enjoy doing, because it doesn't happen every day, that the actor you admire sets foot into Buckingham Palace.

Like I said in my Prince's Trust Awards post, this charity has a great cause, and incredible achievements, and seeing Mr. Freeman supports such a wonderful and important organisation is really a great thing to witness.

And you will forgive me, that I will put in a few pics from Buckingham Palace, not because I am a diehard Royalist, although I liked King Charles III when it had been extremely unpopular to do so, but I never swam with the current.

No, I will put them in because for me the Palace is a huge part of London, and I thought it would be a nice addition to the more important pictures.

I can honestly say, that I felt happy seeing Mr. Freeman elegant and graceful as ever in an environment so connected with London and the British culture.

We don't have to be Royalists to acknowledge a great moment when we see one.

For me the Prince's Trust is a great organisation, and the celebration got me a lot of wonderful moments to see.

Again, huge congratulations to all winners and everyone involved!

As always, thank you to all photographers, supporters and in this case the Royal Family for providing the audience with clips and photos.


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