The Silver King and a great cause The Prince's Trust Award

 Mr. Freeman attended together with his partner Ms. Benaissa the Prince's Trust Awards in London.

You will see here ( as usual) a round-up, and a little information about the charity itself.

You don't have to be a Royalist to acknowledge, that the Prince's Trust is a great charity.

They do amazing work, and many artists including Mr. Freeman, his colleagues Damian Lewis and the wonderful late Helen Mcrory, as well as legends like Paul McCartney and Rod Stewart supported them over the years.

The Prince's Trust founded by the now King Charles III in 1976 has a overall goal:

To promote by all charitable means the mental, spiritual, moral and physical development and improvement of young people.

 And to provide opportunities for them to develop to their full capacities and enable them to become responsible members of society so that their conditions of life may be improved.

 Over the years the trust helped more than a million people to turn theirs lived around and change their path to the better.

The charity is specialised in working with people between the age 11 to 30 , and has several programmes to support young men and women to get a job, or start their own business, or offer training courses and groups.

See more on their homepage:

Prince's Trust

And now our little round-up from the Awards held at the theatre royal drury lane in London on Tuesday 21st May 2024.

As always huge thanks to all creatives, agencies and photographers.

And thank you to Mystyrose and safedistancefrombeingsmart, who provide me with pics and information and an occasional strange but hugely entertaining chats.:D

Wouldn't miss it for the world!

I couldn't show you anything without them!

Find them here:

Mysty on Tumbler and @safedistancefrombeingsmart also on Tumbler

I also would like to thank fans and attendees for sharing some lovely pics with Mr. Freeman and special thanks to Eleanor, an artist and fan who helped me tremendously yesterday!

Please see her homepage here

Fans and attendees and their pictures are from the following sources: Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you to Giffsterino, IHWatson85, and berniedaviesglobal for sharing their treasures.

CONGRATULATIONS to all winners and everyone involved! 



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