
 Due to deaths in the family and personal setbacks, this blog will not be publishing anything new at the moment.

For news and information on Mr. Freeman I can highly recommend the following blogs and pages:


For news and updates on Martin Freeman:

in safe distance from being smart/ Tumbler blog: Find it here

Free-Martinis for news and information:

Tumbler blog: Find it here

Both accounts can also be found on 

Twitter X:

Here and Here 

And if you're looking for Gifs and pictures from Mr. Freeman's projects please have a look at this Tumbler blog:

Thinwhitedoc: Find it here

Once I'm back you can find me on Twitter X and Tumbler under the name "@meandhisjohn" for Sherlock and Johnlock content and I will post new articles here in a while.

Tumbler  Twitter X 

Stay safe, happy and healthy and please always find a reason to smile.


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