The style King: The maroon premiere

 Our pictures and style posts are loved by you, which is undeniable related to Mr. Freeman's sense to dress the way he does.

But it makes me incredibly happy to see, you enjoy our additional installments!

Therefore today another one, and as always when pictures play the lead, I will keep my words to a minium.

Which is in this case, essier said than done.

Because the maroon suit will always rank among my top five suits of all time.

Do perfectly tailored and it matches his silver hair, beard and complexion to perfection.

See, it's hard to keep quiet:)

I am an eyeglasses wearer myself, so I love seeing his different glasses.

In my opinion glasses suit him incredibly well, and of course the style King hasn't matchy specs.

And do you know what it is to show true greatness?
When you say yes to such pictures!
When you are confident and comfortable in your own skin.
That Ladies and Gentlemen is inspiration for me!

And wearing a smile makes the suit even more beautiful:)

And even the cutout in my office wears the suit:D

The appearance of a Gentleman!


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