
Showing posts from April, 2024

Jonathan Miller teacher, writer, human being

 One thing before we take a closer look at Mr. Miller... People still keep talking about the film, and I think this is a good thing. What is not a good thing , is the fact that some parts of society are not even able to appreciate art in its various forms anymore. How boring and narrow minded. Ten years ago this film would have been a huge success, now it's a niche film for people who still allow themselves an own opinion. Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I absolutely think #metoo and everything around it is very important. We need to address such things loud and clear! But lumping all things together is wrong , and demonizing art will make us nothing but stupid, and we miss out on things that formed generations before us, and made such an impact on so many people. Miller's Girl is a perfect example of what art should do: Make us think, provoke us to shape thoughts on an emotional and intellectual level. And this is what art can and should do. A discussion about

Throwback: When there was a "silver" fox

 " Live and learn that life is not unkind. Understand the demons that you fight"  And with this welcome to our Throwback with Mr. Freeman featured in the Paul Weller music video  " Bowie " I started this post with my two favorite lines from the song, because they speak to me the most, although there are days when I had probably chosen a different line. The song is incredible and so is the video. Most of Mr. Weller's songs and clips are, and if you want to take a look at his new song and the official video that features Joe Freeman , you can do it here: Rise up Singing Listen to it on Spotify    Here   And watch the video  Here   But for now back to Bowie and the man who is one of the stars in the video from 2018. The other one is this little fella.. I love listening to Paul Weller because like Mr. Freeman's work, there is always something new to explore. Although I never listen to it while walking. Is it just me or do you have music for walks, exercise or cl

The Why and the How....about me and this blog

 Since this blog is about Martin Freeman, and not about the person writing it I thought it is not important to tell you my bio and I won't :D but I got such lovely questions regarding my fan life and this blog I decided to tell you a bit about it. I am indeed a real person. Surprise! I am Sabrina, 44 years old. born and raised in Germany, I love dogs, good food, books and music and the work of Mr. Freeman. I have worked in several different cities including Vienna and London, and since my very first trip to London more than twenty years ago ( where I accidently saw Mr. Freeman's work  for the first time) I'm in love with the city. I was an employee as well as a freelancer, and worked as a waitress, tour assistant for a band, librarian and archivist, and as a blogger. And here I am doing it again.   I'm a Martin Freeman for twenty-one years now, which is almost half my life. There is only one thing in my life that lasted this long, and this is my love for London.  I can

John Watson don't be fooled by the cute jumpers

 Happy Birthday, John... A rare Watson post:)  During my research for The Responder week I came across an older article from 2022, and it was actually full of praise for Martin Freeman, but there was this little sentence here: " He is worldwide known as John Watson, the ever straight sidekick of Sherlock". It was too good to ignore:D And no, straight wasn't mean sarcastically and in a Johnlock kind of way. I was a Johnlocker and made no secret out of it, but on this blog you will never read anything Johnlock related, because this is project to honour Martin Freeman and not the world in my mind. Straight in this context was meant leveled, upright, untwisted and unbent. All words I would have never used to describe Dr. John Watson. People seem too often be fooled by the cute jumpers, and sweet smile, but I tell right here Ladies and Gentlemen that Dr. and Captain John H.Watson is a badass.   He killed another person to protect a man he met...a day before! That might be hono

The Responder is coming back

  Contact details below. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! The Responder returns.  SUNDAY 5TH MAY!! See the brand new trailer, our first impression and our complete take on Season 1. AND....see the wonderful support we've got from the creator of The Responder Mr. Tony Schumacher, and because we are so happy about it..  we starting with it:)  Thank you Mr. Schumacher for taking the time to read and support our fan project. It means the world to me!  And find here all our articles on Season 1 including a report on anxiety issues, the fantastic cast and learn more about Mr. Schumacher...and of course we have plenty of thoughts on Chris Carson and the man who brought him to live:  Mr. Martin Freeman! Chris Carson a performance When panic hits home The man who is the Responder Your world is crashing down The unmentioned trauma The Responder best of S1 Watch the trailer of S2! Here is our first impression on the trailer: It looks fantastic!! And no, not saying this because am a fan. Actually I'm e